Avias Desoto Tharsirion Rhosco kalimba danver satharo sombra taibu Sherisaa tani sador seregon ascar meril darivo sovar atavias rohan tarim bandur jarrok lassa atir disari callon matajo vaderan nishari arandir venghul dringa

"The Wolves of Sidh Eryn" (WeuUkoo)

All WeuUkoo members that belong(ed) to the "Wolves of Sidh Eryn Pack". To see the detailed descriptions, please click the character you would like to see.

Other WeuUkoo Wolves
Further WeuUkoo Wolves, who haven't been part of the "Sidh Eryn Pack":

Cavahir Wolves
Wolves belonging to the Cavahir (cave wolves):

The Kurassai Wolves
Members of the Kurassai Wolves / The Wolves of Kathrak Eryn:

A family relation tree of the WeuUkoo Wolves for a better overview:
(click image for full size view)

WeuUkoo Family Tree